Profile of DJ”latin”NONA
90年代,DJ NONAとして六本木,西麻布エリア中心にイベントへDJ参加からキャリアをスタート。
House Music,Garageを中心にDisco,Soul,R&B,Acid Jazz等を織り交ぜながらプレイ。
1997年IBSのラジオ音楽番組「Music Factory」で自身初のMC,DJとして番組出演。
2007年IBIZA,Playa de Bossa Beach Lounge "DELANO" にてプレイ。
2008年よりDJ"latin"NONAとしてWOMB Sunday Afternoon「rasp -El Sol Viento-」をレギュラーに、青山LOOP,六本木MADO LOUNGE等のイベントでプレイ。
ミュージシャンとのLive & DJイベントのオーガナイズの傍ら、
House musicに留まらずLatin,Brazilian,Samba,Club Jazzなどの
In the 1990s, Roppongi as DJ NONA, started a career from joining DJ in the event in the Nishi Azabu area center.
Play while interspersing Disco, Soul, R & B, Acid Jazz, etc. with House Music, Garage in the center.
In 1997, he appeared on the IBS radio music program "Music Factory" as his first MC, DJ.
2007 Played at IBIZA, Playa de Bossa Beach Lounge "DELANO".
Since 2008 she has played WOMB Sunday Afternoon "rasp -El Sol Viento-" as a DJ "latin" NONA, regularly at events such as Aoyama LOOP and Roppongi MADO LOUNGE.
DJ activity resumed from 2016 with the introduction of digital.
Currently, Latin and Brazilian are the core of the play,
Beside organizing Live & DJ events with musicians,
Latin-Brazilian festivals in various parks in Tokyo
Music select is also performed at outdoor events such as cruise planning.
Play that leads to a comfortable direction while adding Latin essence
Not only house music but also Latin, Brazilian, Samba, Club Jazz, etc.
Play Crossover.